The Daily Grind of Nutritionists

No more guesswork about the growth of your business

Still Manually entering data?

Tired of calculating Micros and Macros

Tired of spending endless hours on diet planning

Tired of dull documents cramping your style?

Tired of mixing your client's diets?

Are you tired of searching for an all-in-one nutrition software that fits your budget?

Need support but finding office staff too expensive to hire?

Solution PRIM provides

Custom client profiles

Effortless client profile management

Prim provides a centralized platform for effortlessly tracking all client data with just one click, eliminating the need for manual data entry.

Custom Dashboards with Prim

Effortlessly book appointments with ease

With our user-friendly platform, you can easily coordinate schedules, eliminating the hassle of back-and-forth communication to find a suitable time slot. By streamlining the appointment booking process, you can focus more on providing exceptional service to your clients and growing your business.

Custom Dashboards with Prim

Pre-Designed Diet Templates to rescue you from errors

Still writing down diets and calculating macros and calories on calculators? With prim, just type your diet and see the magic happen- it does all calculations for you, making it error-free and quick

Prim-Pal your AI assistant

Stop spending endless hours use Prim Pal

Planning a diet can take a significant amount of time, cutting into productivity. Prim's AI tool, Prim Pal, enables dieticians to create diets instantly, reducing the time spent on diet planning from 5-7 minutes to a few seconds

Want to know more about prim?

Download our brochure and discover ways to increase your customer engagement like never before!

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Best Nutrition Software | Easy-to-Use | AI-Integrated